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Some pictures for you.

Elephant gallery.

Please enjoy these wonderful pictures Hank (our Director of Humanitarian Aid) took during his monthly trip to Africa. We are in awe of these magnificent and majestic animals!

Maasai women entrepreneurs.

We captured these pictures of Maasai women selling their beautiful handmade craftwear.

Destiny Orphanage & School, Tanzania.

Destiny Orphanage & School is run by Erick (“Mike”) Maiko. They currently have 62 children enrolled in their school. This facility receives no support and is located in a very poor area of Maji Chi, Tanzania. JustUsFriends is providing medical care to the Destiny Children.


Hot Meals for the Kids

Hank, Fredda and Jasen in the cooking area where Mike prepares a hot meal for his 62 children.  In many cases, this is the only meal any of the children will receive per day or every other day. 


RESTORE was there.

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